Traveling Exhibition in Nha` Tre HANOI

“Traveling Exhibition”
opening first time in Nha Tre – Bamboo House
our home of Dong Kinh Co Nhac – The Ancient Music Group of Tonkin as an Arts and Musical Space
Friday May 5, 2017 at 5pm

“Triển lãm di động” lần đầu tiên mở cửa tại Nhà Tre, ngôi nhà của nhóm Nghệ thuật Đông Kinh Cổ Nhạc, như một Trung tâm Nghệ thuật và Âm nhạc tại Hanoi
Thứ Sáu 05.05.2017 lúc 17h
Làng Láng phố Chùa Láng, Hà Nội

The project is to link together a group of artists living in different countries. They all use different medium. Idea is to present an exhibition traveling from one country to another. Like a traveler is moving from place to place and at each place tell story from his country, his daily life. The works are traveling by mail and every step would tell a story about an other place. The daily history, colors from every day far away from home, shared by a journey becomes an imaginary story. A story that we heard from some one and we tell to other ans so…it could create a new one.

link for more info

Hat Xam by Xuan Hoach and group of Tonkin Ancient Music

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